Unprecedented times, An unprecedented call to action.
Above, photos from the creek to which I will to return. Now isn't exactly a convenient time to have had war declared on us and as soon as the business at hand is complete, my plan is to return to the creek. Catch a few shrimp, pick a few oysters, submit to humiliation from clever fish and then share all with loved and treasured friends. There is nothing as special as sharing a meal with those one loves, especially if they have a garden. This time of life and this moment in history we are called to stand up - so let's stand up with enthusiasm and enjoy. And when we've seen the fatal wilt of this dark blossoming, a return to the gentle days will be ours. For now, it is hunting season and it's time to hunt. Let's go out and play.
a word from Woody Fender, founder of JPCvoice