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A Call to Decency and democracy

Straight up fascism.

Impeachment must begin in the House. This means that members of the House of Representatives must initiate impeachment proceedings. Republican House members need to feel assured that their voters will stick with them if they impeach Trump. Conversely, they must be made to feel that the wrath of voters in 2018 makes supporting this man perilous to their future.

He is worse than was predicted. This is just one tiny move in his torching of America. How could he do more to harm our nation, our allies and our relationships than he is now.

House members must be made to feel that supporting Trump is perilous. Those we know must be made aware of the danger to our nation and to our communities posed by this man. How many relationships have been shattered already by this predator? And after relationships are shattered the door is open to mass violence which itself can become uncontrollable. This man, working on behalf of Russia, is doing all he can to destroy our nation and to turn our people against each other. And he has the perfect way to divide - by forcing citizens to be either with him or against him, he creates a black-and-white choice; those that choose him are forced into supporting insane positions; patriotic Americans cannot accept those insane positions and thus the division is forced.

I do not have the answer. I do know from experience, study and perception that this is a crisis of biblical proportions - that if this man and his insane movement is not stopped while there is still time, that America and the world is headed full steam straight into disaster. Like societal conflict, nuclear war, or civil war that burns our nation to ash. Just as Russia desires - and just as Russia's puppet is working toward.

Black robes, stiff rope!

There very much is hope. The House Intel Committee released a strong statement re Russia - Trump collusion and launched their investigation with urgency late last week - something stirred them into action. There are numerous investigations going on in addition - from both chambers of Congress to the toughest national law enforcement agencies to all all intelligence agencies.

And when this turns there will be opportunities for progress.

All possible pressure should be placed wherever possible by all citizens right now. This man can still be stopped before our country is wrecked and incinerated. The House has the ability to stop him. The Intelligence Committee has the information needed to move forward.

We cannot sit back and let this play out. It is of life and death importance. Those who have known me all my life know that this statement from me is a first. I am not crying wolf. This is the real deal and the dangers we face are existential.

How can your Representative be convinced that this man must be stopped?

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