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Shredding the Emperor's Clothes

by Shahida Arabi

A friend posted the above article. The following remarks were inspired by the succinct and useful list offered by Shahida Arabi.

Please read this - it is a powerful and succinct primer into very well documented behavior patterns. These people exist - and their toxic behavior creates illness wherever these 'dark arts' are practiced. The illness is not in these people - these people are the pathogens that create illness in groups and in relationships and inside their targets.

Look at the root words of psychopath and sociopath. 'Path' in this use (there are several meanings to the root 'path') means illness. 'Psycho' here means the internal workings of an individual. 'Socio' means group or clan. Using some license, these words can show that a 'psychopath' is a person that causes illness in a healthy person's psyche, an illness inside the people they contact. And a sociopath is a person who creates illness in the relationships and groups they contact.

These people are disease vectors for creating illness of the mind and illness of relationships.

This article lifts the veil on how they are able to sow discord and division. The tricks seem tricky - but they aren't. They function from a well documented set of antisocial behaviors that are effective at manipulation and control. When unaware of these behaviors they have great power - like a a two bit slight-of-hand magician. When one has experienced and learned and finally survived being targeted by these, then they become impotent and laughable. Knowing the behaviors that are shared in the article arms one with kriptonite to defend and protect ourselves, our families and our greater community from abusers, manipulators and tyrants.

Many reading these words have never experienced being targeted for destruction by a psychopathic person. I doubt that these friends have the capacity to comprehend what the article shares; even PhD psychologists that have not survived this kind of targeting and abuse have a possibly impossible time truly grasping the tentacles and subtleties involved. In fact when persons who have not survived this kind of targeting hear about psychopathic behavior from a victim or survivor it is most common for the survivor to be considered the one that is crazy and who is speaking about crazy ideas. If five people read my words, guaranteed two will think they are nutty as a fruitcake. One will likely be a psychopathic abuser (fuck you). And unfortunately someone will understand intimately my words and viscerally understand these 20 behavior patterns.

My message - my plea actually- is to the survivors. Survivors have a special knowledge. Survivors have an additional 'superpower' which gives them highly enhanced skills of perception and also the ability to wield the mostly subtle energetic weapons to protect against the human predators.

There is a natural balance just as there always has been. There have always been human predators- the abusers and manipulators and tyrants. (This is a special kind of person lacking normal human empathy and without capacity to participate in healthy relations with others. They do not have the ability to get well or change positively. Within this group are some relatively harmless persons. Also though within this large umbrella are the most dangerous humans - the truly very dangerous. This is deadly serious business and should not be tossed around lightly. Somewhere between 90% and 98% of all humans are not sociopathic).

OK, here's the plea. There is a natural balance. There have always been sociopathic persons. And there have always been those survivors and others of clarity that have seen through the schtick of abuse and manipulation. When those with vision and clarity embrace the subtle, unseen responsibility to correctly address human predators then our children, communities, families and nations can be safe. If you have the superpower please do the work you, uniquely, are capable of doing. Make no mistake - there are legions of unsung hunters working nonstop day and night inside every shadow and dangerous alleyway to confront and neutralize human predators. Joyous invisible white blood cells course through blood looking to do the work of neutralizing disease pathogens. If you have the special power, please do the work.

These 20 diversion tactics are way powerful. There is another suite of behaviors which might be called the 'crazy-making' suite which are ubiquitous methods, dark arts, which abusers and manipulators use to induce mental illness in others.

There are fears which are effective against narcissists. Shunning has traditionally been the effective means of protection.

It's not rocket science. It's not mysterious. It is as natural as the winter blasts of cold. It is also natural and good and organic for persons with ability to seek out predatory behavior and to do what is natural to neutralize it. We don't allow mold to take over the fridge or tub - we spray it down, wipe it off and rinse everything. Just that simple. (It is equally impossible that mold or abusers will be eradicated. They exist and always will. There is no total victory. There are, however, easy, known ways to protect against mold by simple minimally disruptive practices; same with sociopathic persons.)

DJT feels to every cell in my body to be one of the very most dangerous kind of sociopathic abusers. His narcissism can easily spark fires that can burn unspeakably. If he is willing to conspire with America's most dangerous enemy to harm our nation so he can 'win' then what is next?

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