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Peeling Away

Unidentified man, Women's March, Washington, DC 1-20-17

It's become rhythmic to use the phrase, 'another one bites the dust.' Another phrase likely to be seen is, 'peeling away.'

'Peeling away,' refers to Republicans and Trump supporters who begin to separate themselves from Trump. As the coffee is smelled, many Republicans will feel confusion then disgust and then retributive anger; our goal, I think, is to try to welcome them back to reality. It is a very difficult time for the Republican victims of Trump's hypnotic madness. As one example, look at the outward actions of Jason Chaffetz - sitting in one of the most powerful positions in all government, three months after a landslide victory, he announces he won't run in 2018, two days later he says he won't finish his term, the next week he takes a three week leave of absence then comes back early; this past week he announced a retirement date at the end of June. Like so many of the most prominent Republicans, he's entangled and it's a huge mess. Now... peeling away

Jason Chaffetz, Republican chair of the powerful House Oversight Committee and fierce, blind partisan hatchet man is now singing a new tune. Instead of shielding Trump as he did before his period of personal turbulence, now he is right in line with the white hat patriots bringing Trump and the Russian conspirators to justice.

Chaffetz, asked about Trump telling the Russian Foreign Minister in the Oval Office that Comey is a nutjob, said, 'I hope that’s not true.' Chaffetz said that he'd rather Trump had mentioned Russian attacks on American democracy - the election interference - “You would like the president to beat them over the head over that.”

It's almost like the FBI got to Chaffetz and had a 'meeting without coffee.' Out of a dust cloud of personal turbulence Rep. Chaffetz had a 180 change in tune and tone.

One of the most powerful men in the House is leaving his seat but before departing Mr. Chaffetz is providing a spectacular example of 'peeling away.'

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