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An answer? Seven billion of them.

"the same messages specifically

targeting the same voters in the same places

with the same precise timing"

Robert Mercer is being pursued by the IRS for almost seven billion dollars.

When it looked like Mercer would have this tax bill, he became more active in politics.

Robert Mercer is a large owner of Cambridge Analytica and Breitbart News.

Steve Bannon runs Breitbart and he is a large owner of Cambridge Analytica.

Robert Mercer became a multi billionaire through his hedge fund. This hedge fund is currently being scrutinized as a sophisticated money laundering operation, cleaning dirty Russian billions.

Cambridge Analytica was fundamental to the Trump campaign's messaging and scheduling.

Russian information warfare assets - massive armies of bots and trolls and propagandists & the Trump Campaign & US right wing media spouted the same messages specifically targeting the same voters in the same places with the same precise timing.

Three separate groups. 1) Trump Campaign, 2) Right wing media and 3) Russian information attackers. These three each make a strand in the rope of the information war launched against the nation and democracy.

Russia's intent was to harm America and democracy by creating and exacerbating division, by corroding faith in democracy and in each other and by infecting the electorate with hate and resentment - all psychological tools to trigger 'lower brain' behavior patterns (fight, flight, freeze, faint).

Trump wanted to win.

Mercer wants relief from a $7b tax debt to the US.

Mueller knows more than us. The above are factual data point which may form a completely different picture than the one I see. The publicly known facts are painting a worse picture by the hour. Meanwhile Trump is appearing even more unhinged and his allies both domestic and in Russia are appearing more desperate in the the uptick in frenetic grasps.

(Note; since original publication yesterday, there are some indications Robert and Rebekah Mercer may be the central targets of the investigation.)

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