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Who made this crap up?

Women's March 1-20-17

Cambridge Analytica's role is beginning to show.

This week emails were turned over that show CA sought to work with Julian Assange on indexing the Podesta and DNC emails so they could be better weaponized; US intelligence concludes the material was stolen by Russian operatives. Tonight the Guardian writes about a speech that CA's digital director gave where she claims CA was central to many aspects of the campaign, including candidate Trump's travel schedule.

CA crunched massive data, merging multiple databases and running endless personality tests which we all took and laughed about. They scoured FB and other social media. They also collected early voting data and instantaneously merged this to build actionable models. From the results obtained, decisions, plans and messaging were created. Bingo!

Bingo? Yep - this strikes at the heart of the matter. Russia pushed certain lines of messaging. Trump pushed a certain line of messaging. And right wing media pushed a certain line of messaging. AND they were all three identical in message and timing and targeting. Here CA confirms that they were the brain behind deciphering the mountains of information and based on their findings a certain messaging was created and targeted.

Steve Bannon was a vice president of CA. Robert Mercer is a large owner in the company and also a large investor at Breitbart. The admissions by CA explain how right wing media and the Trump campaign had identical messaging in content and timing and targeting - it's these three things which are key - 1. message, 2. specific timing and 3. specific targeting of individuals.

Russia threw massive weight behind the effort. Already billions of (yes, literally billions, already) shares, likes, posts, Tweets and comments have been identified as originating from Russia. Whole armies of bots and trolls were unleashed by Russia. This full assault, on a scale never seen before, flooded America and the mindspace of the electorate. The Russian bot armies aligned precisely with the message of Trump and the message of RW press.

The 'active measures' campaign of Russia employed skills researched and developed over a century which had been adapted for the information age. Russia's full arsenal of information weaponry was unleashed to help Trump and harm HRC.

The Russian messaging was the same that became standard from Trump - divisive, destructive and demoralizing.

Trump wanted to win. Russia wanted to harm America and democracy. Russia helped Trump win. Trump helped Russia harm America and thus the severe crime committed. Trump helped an enemy harm America in exchange for election assistance - there's not greater crime shy of genocide.

The piece from the Guardian, if true, ties down 2/3 of the co-messaged triad of Trump, right wing media and Russian information fighters.

FB and Twitter are scheduled to appear on Capitol Hill next week.

Expect distractions Trumpian in scale.

ref: 1)"Cambridge Analytica used data from Facebook and Politico to help Trump", Guardian, Stephanie Kirchgaessner Oct 26, 2017

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