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Punch This Nazi

This is divisive, dangerous messaging aimed at your face. (this is my response to the above Facebook meme-weapon)

It's the exact kind of hateful garbage pumped out by Russia. This is an info-weapon aimed at your mind in order to create and encourage division, contempt and anger. Have no doubt, this exact kind of messaging is a dangerous weapon aimed at your mind. It is anti-American and anti-happiness garbage. All 18 year olds in every age need us to love them and care. Just like every WWII vet now and every baby now and every other single person breathing now- everyone needs love and care and encouragement. This is what connects us and makes us secure and happy.

Garbage - psychological weaponry fired at us - like this is extremely dangerous and isn't part of cute humor.

This post represents the kind of meme-weapon that has almost torn the nation apart. Resist the haters and the attacking enemies- search out the source of this divisive hate and smash the message.

Seems extreme and silly about a cutesy joke? It's not - this is evil work. The same techniques are being used to drive wedges between races, between sexes, between religions, between political parties. This is information weaponry forged to hurt us and it matters not whether it divides LGBTQ and others, or minorities and others, or leadership and others, or Christians and others - what matters is that it divides and creates resentment and contempt and fear.

We are in the midst of a war - this kind of messaging is the weapon. The damage can be seen around all of us in the damaged relationships, the damaged trust, the damaged belief in our country and the general division and un-ease. Toxic memes are weapons of division and hate. Please look at the comments to see how many are dog piling onto an important and not-guilty segment of our families and communities; these are the future leaders and this toxic meme wants us to vilify them as wimps? These are the kids killing terrorists right now tonight. These are the kids who will be tomorrow's doctors and leaders and teachers - and this piece labels them as pusillanimous?

Don't let this evil in. See it for what it is - pure evil poison spouted by an enemy that wants to hurt us. Please source this upstream and smash the message. We are one. We need each other and we are stronger together. One nation."

(Please feel free to use copy and save this message to be sent as a canned response when hate meaages hit. It's yours to smash with)

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