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And the Winners Are...

The President and his allies in the Republican Party have formed battle lines against the United States.

They are attacking the press as 'fake news' by spewing endless fake news.

They are attacking the FBI as biased, corrupt and incompetent. The FBI is the premier law enforcement agency in the world. The men and women of the FBI are tasked with keeping the nation safe from terrorism and foreign spies.

The President and his Republican allies attack the US intelligence community- the eyes and ears tasked with keeping the nation safe from foreign attack and that provide the information needed for the nation to make smart decisions.

The President attacks service members' Gold Star families.

Here's link to information about 'follie a deux' mental illness - where personality disorder or other pathological mental states become contagious. The phenomenon is well documented - the Salem Witch Hunts are an historical example; the Emperor's New Clothes is a literary example.

Something very sick and dangerous has infected the minds of many of our fellow Americans. One 'flavor' of Cluster B Personality Disorder is NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is defined in the DSM V, the official diagnostic tool for evaluating psychological conditions.

There is also a spectrum not in the DSM but widely used to understand society's most dangerous persons - the Dark Triad; Dark Triad persons have a combination of sociopathy, narcissism and Machiavellism.

Sociopathy is defined in the DSM as 'antisocial personality disorder.'

Machiavellism is a psychological pathology where a person will do anything to win.

Machiavellism is the sick and dangerous conclusion of a win-at-any-cost trance. It can be seen in Trump team's admitted willingness to accept any help from any source to win. Russia is the obvious partner because their agenda to harm America made them eager to help Trump. There were two agendas - first, Trump is a 'winner' and willing to do anything to win. Second, Russia wants to harm America, democracy and the rules of law to protect the criminal state. Two very different agendas that found treasonous partnership in each other.

This moment right now Trump and Republicans embrace a child molester - a man who spent years stalking and grooming children for sex; he set his eyes on his current wife when she was a teenage child and he was in his 30's. Trump needs the Senate vote so if a child molester is that vote he welcomes the sexual predator with open arms.

The Republican Party had developed a win-at-any-cost sickness over time. It evolved into an eager willingness to embrace America's enemies if that furthered election success. Specifically, they embraced a treasonous collaboration with enemy Russia.

All RNC documents have been seized by Congressional investigators and the Special Counsel's office. The Republican Party is under investigation for racketeering violations related to Russian money laundered into Party coffers. Speaker Paul Ryan is on tape swearing top Republican colleagues to silence regarding this money flow. Top Republicans have accepted Russian money. (source material linked; this all sounds like paranoid fantasy; it is not)

The Trump campaign is the subject of the largest criminal investigation in history.

Last night it became clear that battle lines are being formed. This isn't metaphor - Trump and his Republican supporters are declaring war on US Federal law enforcement. They are declaring war on an independent judiciary. They are declaring war on the free press. They have declared war on US intelligence agencies.

Dark and sophisticated elements including the full information war capability of Russia are joined together to destroy America.

Doubt this audacious statement? Listen to Trump's speech while he attacks the Americans risking life to protect us while he embraces a pedophile for the Senate. Listen to the President side with Russia to attack our intelligence services. Listen to Roy Moore embrace Russian values while attacking American values.

There is a war building right now. Russia through psychological processes and through the Machiavellian opening in craven Republican minds has infected a zombie fifth column army of Americans. This zombie army of quislings entranced by hate is now working to destroy our country from the inside.

This is the time we must all rise up in support of the rule of law. This is the time for all patriotic Americans to set politics aside and to unite behind the Constitution. Now is the time this enemy can be stopped bloodlessly; the time for bloodless correction will not last forever. If it comes to a choice of acquiescing to brutal dictatorship guided by Russia, there are millions of deadly dangerous American patriots who will never abide. The best choice is bloodless correction under the controlled application of the rule of law - precisely the intent of the Special Counsel. You, that's right - you - have a role to play in this. I do not know your role but you do and it's time now to rise up and execute.

Top US intelligence officer Michael Hayden said last week that it isn't over until 'we' say it is over. Whether by peaceful application of law and Justice or by whatever means are forced, the war being waged on America by anti-democratic criminals will be met and crushed. For the survival of our nation and for the survival of all we hold dear, it can be no other way. The only question is how much damage we allow and whether the work is with dry hands or wet. Patriot or traitor - make sure fence sitters know the only question.

We have entered into the danger period. All is going to be fine. Do we make it fine the easy way - we can by doing the dry hand work now.

It's time. Don't get distracted.

Comment: I’m pretty sure that you’re beautifully articulating the problem, and it is time to act. The problem is that we don’t know what to do. We have no institutional leadership, like a labor movement. We have few voices in the political sphere, and one of the best, al Franken, was forced out this week. I grow truly horrified and fearful. Our only means of registering our voice peacefully, through calls, letters, emails to politicians and protest marches, have fallen upon deaf ears. I’m generally not alarmist or pessimistic, but both of those emotions are roaring within my belly these days. Yet I don’t know what to do.

Response: Many feel the same; I certainly do.

Ultimately, the ballot box is the arbiter.

Specific individuals can be challenged - patriot or traitor. Those sitting on fence must be forced to see the choice. Dyed in the wool deplorables need to be exposed and known. This will be useful later.

And don't forget - we are winning; they are flailing. We have made progress - approval at 32%, indictments and convictions already in bag.

Franken resigned his Senate seat which will be filled by a Democratic. He isn't defeated nor is he quieted. He is perhaps headed for an even more vital role. He can be elected again. Part of the info war is to disable and hack the mind of the voter. Don't get disabled.

Pray for they and send compassion; encourage them to return peacefully and gently because if that does not work the hell and retribution that will crush their bodies and treasonous minds will be cruel and unforgiving. History has endless examples; the Accadians of NE Canada and the Tories in revolutionary America are two examples of the bloody cruel result of choosing the enemy. Uncountable masses have hung for treasonous offenses. Pray for gentle peace.

They will and are going down in spectacular flames.

Chin up. Onward.

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